"Use Knowledge and Exprience to Improve the life of others, this is real Impact Investment"

Sophia Robot
Social Humanoid Robot
Sophia was first activated on February 14, 2016.The robot, modeled after the ancient Egyptian Queen Nefertiti, Audrey Hepburn, and her inventor’s wife, Amanda Hanson, is known for human-like appearance and behavior compared to previous robotic variants.
As of 2018, Sophia’s architecture includes scripting software, a chat system, and OpenCog, an AI system designed for general reasoning. Sophia imitates human gestures and facial expressions and is able to answer certain questions and to make simple conversations on predefined topics (e.g. on the weather). Sophia uses speech recognition technology from Alphabet Inc. (parent company of Google) and is “designed to get smarter over time”. Her speech synthesis ability is provided by Cereproc’s Text-to-Speech engine and also allows her to sing.
Sophia’s intelligence software is designed by Hanson Robotics. The AI program analyses conversations and extracts data that allows it to improve responses in the future.
Empowering Disabled by using Artificial Intelligence
Technology is only beneficial if it is accessible to the user’. Over the years, companies have worked harder thanever to ensure that anyone can use their products. In the past, the elderly and disabled have had reason tobelieve that technology was out of their reach. For some, it was because there weren’t features that could assistthem.

For others, it was because there was a lack of understanding as to how the use of technology could benefitthem. Fortunately, there are now some admirable pieces of technology for disabled people that are easier to usethan ever.

Intelligent Inspection System
In a digital world, it’s hard to argue that digitization is not the trend everyone is following. Field Eagle is thesolution to piles of unnecessary paperwork and filing. A physical depository dedicated to inspection forms andreports is no longer needed.
Online filing is eco-friendly and fast. It helps transform the team and its processes.